Emoji for Your Girlfriend

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I have prepared some cute emojis for to to send to your girlfriend to make her happy. Girls like cute stuff, especially cute animals. Wouldn’t it be nice if your girlfriend can receive a cute emoji greeting from you every now and then?

In the morning, you can send this Hi Emoji of QooBee with heart eyes to her to greet her good morning.

Hi Emoji with Heart Eyes of QooBee
Hi Emoji of Qoobee Agapi

When it’s time for lunch, you can send this lunch emoji to her to ask her out for lunch together. ( The text in the emoji means “lunch” in traditional Chinese )

QooBee Lunch Emoticon
QooBee Lunch Emoticon

If she is angry with you, you can send this begging emoji to her and ask for her forgiveness. Look how innocent QooBee is in this begging emoji.

Begging Emoticon
QooBee Begging Emoticon

If you want to show how much you love her. You can send these whole set of 50 love emojis to her. You can have a look at a few samples here.

If your girl is sad, you can send this playing guitar and singing emoji of QooBee Agapi to cheer her up.

Singing Emoji of QooBee Agapi
Singing Emoji of QooBee Agapi

or send this comforting emoji to make her feel better.

Comforting Emoji of QooBee Agapi
Comforting Emoji of QooBee Agapi

If your girlfriend is bored or lonely, you can send this couple walking emoji to her to invite her for a walk together with you.

walking emoji animated QooBee Jeanie
walking emoji animated QooBee Jeanie

When you have not seen your girlfriend for sometime you can send this miss you emoji to her to show how much you miss her. Also give her the big heart that QooBee is holding in his hands.

Miss You Emoji of QooBee
Miss You Emoji of QooBee

If you feel that the time is right to getting married. You can also use this proposal emoji of QooBee Agapi to ask your girlfriend to marry you.

Propose Emoji of QooBee Agapi
Propose Emoji of QooBee Agapi

You can also use the links below to get QooBee Agapi emojis on various chatting platforms. 
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